Přepnout do češtiny Thailand. You come here to see the ocean views, to admire the incredible nature and amazing temples, but you want to stay there because of the hospitality, smiles and absolutely brilliant food. Asian cuisine was a mystery for me as long as I can remember. And I am not even talking about distinguishing between the different national cuisines. All I knew was that there are noodles, spring rolls and sushi. In Thailand, hovewer, I discovered there´s a lot more to it, and that the food is actually much more diverse. This is probably the most delicious (amd most spicy) curry I have ever had. I was worried that food in Thailand might be spicy, which would be a big issue for me, because I have zero tolerance towards spicy meals. Even BBQ sauce makes my mouth burn. Lucky for me, Thai people are used to tourists and when they see a white person, they go light on the chilli and spicy sauce. If you want to make sure the food won´t burn a hole in your throat, ask them to ma...
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